At Bethel Life, we love God and we love people.
“The first time I came to Bethel, I felt like I was home”… This is something we hear often from people who come to Bethel. Why? Because we love God, we love people and we’re family. We’re all about doing life together in community, being intentional about our growth as believers and serving one another and our community along the way. Whatever your story may be and whatever questions you may have, we want you to know… you belong here.
– Pastors Kent & Denise Bell
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Everyone is welcome here, whatever your story, your questions, doubts or struggles. Here at Bethel, we love God, we love people and we’re a family.
Our Ministries
Find your place of connection – click on the pictures below to learn more about each ministry. We are dedicated to serving our community and meeting people in their place of need just as Jesus modeled. Our ministries are open doors to growth, rest, connection, support, and compassionate service to others. You belong here.
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