
Student Ministries

for teens

Here at Bethel Life we want to invest into the lives of young people and help them discover and build a strong foundation of faith that will guide them through life. Our student ministry programs are for teens from grades 6 to 12.

Bethel Life Student Ministries

Connection, Discovery, Growth

Connecting with God. Connecting with each other.

Are you Connected?

​Through the Bible, God makes it clear that He loves you and wants to have relationship with you. At The BLOC, we connect with God and with others just like you. We do this through student-led worship and powerful devotionals that help us understand the Bible and follow Jesus.

Discovering our God given gifts & talents

Why am I on this earth?

We see in the Bible that God created each of us uniquely and that He has a specific purpose for us. We can help you discover God’s plans for you. Together, we learn what God says about us in the Bible. We also give you opportunities to use the gifts and talents he has given you. We’ll encourage you, we’ll challenge you and we’ll cheer you on as you discover how completely awesome it can be to live your life connected to the one who created you!

Learning how to change the world

How can I make a difference?

We believe we are on this earth for something bigger and more important than just ourselves. As we discover our God given purpose and develop our gifts and talents, we find our place in this world and we begin to make a difference in the lives of others. One day, history may record your name along with others like Edison (light bulb), Ford (automobile), Bell (telephone), Gates and Jobs (Computers)… How will YOU change the world? We’re here to help you find out!

See you at the BLOC

Student Ministry Schedule

Student Ministry services for teens from 6th – 12th grade are held on Sundays evenings from 5:00 – 7:00 pm at the BLOC.

The 4th Sunday of every month is our Unite Event – a night of fellowship and fun.


5:00 – 5:30 pm

5:30 – 6:30 pm

6:30 – 7:00 pm


195 Columbia Ave.
Greenville, PA 16125

Contact the Student Ministry Team

If you have any questions about our Student Ministry programs or are interested in volunteering, we would love to hear from you! Follow the button below to send us a message.

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