

Global & Local Outreach

“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.'” – Matthew 28:18-20

Global Outreach

Reaching our World

Ecuador, South America

Pastor Alejandro Quinteros and his wife, Rosi are pastors of a growing church, based in Quito, Ecuador. They operate a Christian elementary school, and have a feeding and medical program for the homeless. Alejandro has a very strong ministry to other local pastors, bringing training and encouragement.

Mitch & Jewell Nichols serve in Ecuador. It is their desire to share the gospel and the love of Christ with the people from the Andes, to the coast, to the Amazon. Mitch teaches and trains pastors and leaders throughout the country, while Jewell continues to introduce Women’s Ministries to South America. They also work with People to People Ministries and teams from local churches in the U.S.

Tanzania, Africa

We partner with Bishop Berrings to bring the Gospel to Iringa Tanzania. Through programs like The Nehemiah Project, Advantage College Tanzania, and Project Restore Tanzania, we help to raise people up in the love of Christ.

Bridge Builders

Pastor Greg Terry is an International Evangelist, Worship Leader and Bible teacher. He currently ministers in 20 nations and throughout the United States speaking at conferences, crusades, leading worship and training leaders. 

Eastern Europe

Larry & Deborah Mininger are missionaries to Eastern Europe. The Mininger’s have a passion for souls to be saved and to raise up church leaders who are equipped to move in the Holy Spirit. Learn more >

People to People

People to People preaches the gospel to the poor worldwide by feeding, educating and providing medical care to thousands of children, sending medical teams to impoverished nations and rebuilding devastated communities after natural disasters. Learn more >

Sudan, Africa

The mission of Hope for Sudan is to bring hope to South Sudan by demonstrating God’s love through meeting the needs of its people. We establish compounds with deep water wells, schools, medical clinics and churches. 

GO Offering

75% of the Global Outreach (GO) offering supports churches, outreaches, and ministry projects led by missionaries, and helps to start new works and ministry promotion. The remaining 25% goes to plant and develop churches in America. Learn more >

Local Programs

Reaching our Neighbors

Treehouse Preschool

Loving children and supporting families as we prepare them for Kindergarten

The Treehouse Preschool takes a balanced, nurturing, developmental approach to education while demonstrating the love of Jesus. Learn more >

Project Restore

Restoration, One Life at a Time

Project Restore is a ministry of restoration towards survivors of human trafficking and sexual abuse. Learn more >

The Life Center

Prevention and Recovery from Life’s Controlling Problems

The Life Center is where we are shaping the future through building relationships and fostering empowerment. Learn more >


DRUSA (Disaster Relief USA) is a ministry of the IPHC in which mobile kitchens are dispatched during weather disasters throughout the United States. Each year we hold a Golf Outing and Craft Show to support this mission.

Good Shepherd Center & Salvation Army

We partner with a local mission program, The Good Shepherd, with food donations for their Thanksgiving and Easter Meal Baskets. We also take a Sowing Seed offering during the Christmas season which is given to The Good Shepherd Center and The Salvation Army.

Willow Women's Center

The Willow Women’s Center helps women with unexpected pregnancies by encouraging them to choose life. We help to provide monetary support through an annual Baby Bottle Fundraiser and a Sowing Seed Offering. 

Local Public Safety

We assist our local police and fire departments to help them purchase new equipment needed to promote public safety.