
Men's & Women's Ministries

We believe that as iron sharpens iron, one person sharpens another (Proverbs 27:17). That’s why our Men’s and Women’s Ministries are so important – because they provide great opportunities for adults to connect with each other and grow in Christ together.

Welcome to bethel life

a place to connect, worship and grow

Our Men’s Ministry Vision is to create an atmosphere where men will be brought together to…
  • Enhance each individual’s walk with Christ
  • Serve the community (especially the church body)
  • Foster relationships between Godly men
  • Help disciple men and youth to lead in their church and families

Women of Worth Ministries encourages and enables women to fulfill their life’s call and ministry through loving, nurturing and accepting all.

Our passion is equipping women in the Word of God and encouraging women in their journey with Christ.

We have annual teaching events such as our Fall Retreat and our Spring Women’s Conference. Small groups meet throughout the week for Bible study, prayer and encouragement.

We reach out to our community through service projects, such as Back to School Blessings (providing backpacks and school supplies to children in our community) as well as an annual supply drive for foster children in Mercer County.

Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, you’ll fit right in!