

change a life

Ready to invite your friends and family to join us at Bethel Life? Here are invitation tools that can help you get started. We are so excited to meet your loved ones!

Amid the uncertainty of our times, many are recognizing their need for God like never before. In times of change and instability, God is actively working, and we have the privilege of joining Him. One way to spread the hope found in Jesus is by inviting others to join us in person or through our online services on Sunday mornings. 

Before inviting, begin with prayer! Ask God to direct you and to prepare hearts to be open to His leading. Next, check out a few resources we’ve gathered to help break the ice. 

In-Person Invitations

Writing Prompts

Stuck on how to word an invite? Here’s some templates to get you started. Be sure to make it your own!

Text message:

Hey ____! Will you come with me to church this weekend? I’ll save you a seat at the (add service time you’re attending)!

Social post:

If anyone’s looking for something to do this weekend, you’re welcome to join me for church! Bethel Life has services Sunday morning. LMK when you want to go – maybe we can grab some food too! 😋 


Hi ____, how are things? I know it’s been crazy around here, but I’ve been finding encouragment by going to church and wanted to invite you to join me for a service sometime! We could go on Sunday morning at either 9am or 10:45am. Does one of those times work best for you? Would love to catch up soon!

Online Invites

Writing Prompts

Stuck on how to word an invite? Here’s some templates to get you started. Be sure to make it your own!

Text message:

Hey ____! If you’re bored at home, I wanted to let you know my church is livestreaming a worship service on Sunday mornings at 10:45am (ET). I’m gonna be watching it and thought you might wanna check it out too. bethellife.church/live

Social post:

If anyone’s looking for something to do this Sunday morning, you’re welcome to join me online for church! Bethel Life begins streaming their worship time at 10:45am (ET) at bethellife.church/live 


Hi ____, how are you holding up? I know things are crazy right now, but I’ve been encouraged by engaging with online services from Bethel Life on Sunday mornings and thought you might like it too. They start every week at 10:45am (ET) with music and preaching. Want to join me this weekend? We can even chat during the service! bethellife.church/live