
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)

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Why Give?

God wants your heart, not your money

When it comes to giving, God doesn’t need our money or our things. What He wants is us. The process of giving blesses us and changes us – it breaks the power that money can hold over us when we rely on it as our source of provision. By giving back to God what He has given us, we show that we believe in Him and rely on Him as our provider. Giving is an act of worship in which we glorify God and declare that He will take first place in our hearts.

What your donations provide

Donations received from general tithes and offerings go toward the churches expenses such as building renovations and maintenance, utilities, pastoral and staff salaries and are used for other needs as they arise. Donations given to specific funds (missions, childrens ministry, etc.) go directly to that ministry for their use. With every donation, you are able to select the fund which you would like to support.